The unexpected walk

I’ve been full of cold for the past couple of days and stuck indoors. This morning I really needed to get outside for some fresh air, so me & Baby J decided to pop down to our local urban farm. We parked up, got the buggy out, but instead of going to the farm, I headed in the opposite direction. There’s a windmill not far from the farm and I’ve never been. The sun was shining so I thought, what better time to go and explore?

Within minutes we were in woodland. I had no idea this was even here.

Once we’d made our way through the woods, we found ourselves on higher ground and what seemed like a whole other place.

I had no idea where I was going but I was enjoying the walk! I kept on for another five minutes or so, went across a metal bridge then turned and saw this..

Quite impressive! I know I was expecting to see a windmill but it’s not everyday you see one up close.

I let Baby J out of the buggy for a little bit, he loves his freedom.

There were some amazing views from up here, right across to Liverpool..

And turn around, you get to see out to sea..

There was another building up here that I’d never heard of..

Apparently it’s called Proudman Oceanographic laboratory. What a mouthful! It’s currently at risk of being demolished as it has no occupiers and costs too much to maintain. It’ll be a shame if it does go, it’s a great piece of architecture.

We found a shorter way back to the car, and walking over the bumpy terrain actually sent Baby J to sleep instead of giving him whiplash! It was a lovely walk, maybe next time we can make it to the farm too!