So much to say, so little time 

Hello! Sorry I’ve not found time to post for a bit, it’s all been a bit of a blur recently really. So, where to start…

Well, I suppose firstly, I’ll tell you that I’ve taken the leap and joined slimming world. I’m on day 6 as I’m sat writing this and I have mixed feelings about it so far. I’m completely ready to make a change and willing to do what I have to, but it’s been a very long week. My head’s been in a spin trying to work out what I can eat and what I can’t. I’m constantly checking in my little handbook and on the app, how many syns for this. Are these a speed food? Must eat more speed. I know it’s one of those things you’ve just got to get used to but it’s taken up an awful lot of my time. And trying to think of what to cook for dinner that is to everybody’s taste, that’s always been hard but even more so now. I really hope I’ll see some results for my hard work tomorrow at my first weigh in. That’ll spur me on to keep going. I’ll keep you posted on that one.

My little baby started pre-school on Friday! Can you believe it? What an emotional day. I’d been gearing up to it for a while and was actually excited to get some time for myself. I’d planned to start exercising as that’s just impossible with a toddler in tow. I would get the housework done in half the time, be able to shop in peace and not get bribed into buying a toy. And I’d get more time to craft. But my god, did I miss him! I stayed with him for over half the session then said to him I was going and would be back soon. He just said bye-bye! Not a tear was shed, I was so proud. It’s the first time he’s been left with anybody so the boy did good.

Do you remember this post from back in the summer? A lovely blogger friend of mine painted a beautiful picture from a photo I took in my garden of our blueberries. She said she’d send me a copy of it, and look what came this week!

Isn’t it beautiful? And a lovely handmade card with it too. It made my day receiving this, I’ll treasure it always, thank you Hannah. I’m afraid I don’t know how to add a link to her blog but it’s called The Artisan Duck. Do go and take a look if you can, she’s one talented lady.

So, crochet time. I had a break from it for a few weeks over the Christmas period as things were just so hectic. I missed it terribly so picking my hooks up again a couple of weeks ago was bliss. I started a little baby blanket before Christmas so carried on with that.

I picked 6 yummy colours from my Stylecraft stash and made 5 solid granny squares of each. I then edged them all in my joining colour, parchment.

Then joined the rows…

I think they look rather nice like this, they’d make good scarves! Anyway, I joined these all together then finished with a simple border.

I’m very pleased with this. It’s now washed and put away, waiting for a new home when someone decides to buy it from my Facebook page. Speaking of Facebook, I decided that this year I really need to get my act in gear and make something of myself. I love making things and there’s only so much I can make for our home and for presents, so I’m going to start making to sell, properly. I’ve had a bit of a re-brand, started a brand new Facebook page and changed my Instagram name to…….. Wait for it……..

Florrie & Rene.        Ta-Dah!!! 🎈🎈🎈🎈(Hopefully the blog name will change soon too)

I’ve named it so after my two nans. I think us crafters owe a lot to our grandmothers who all used to knit, crochet, sew, amongst other things. So I’ve stocked up on yarn and started touting for business. I’ve had 3 orders in the first week so hopefully that’s a sign of things to come. As well as crocheted items I want to make a few cards and tags to sell, well any excuse to play with my new toy I got for Christmas! My hubby got me a big shot and I’m quite addicted. It was my mums birthday this week so I got to try it out.

It took me all evening to do this as I didn’t have a clue what I was going to do. I was happy with the result though and I think my mum liked it too.

Well, I’m busy, busy, busy so I think that’s where I’ll leave it for today. Thanks for reading, keep warm everyone.

Vicki xxx

13 thoughts on “So much to say, so little time 

  1. jackallcraft January 15, 2017 / 5:25 pm

    I’ve just started slimming world too. I’m on my second week now and it’s starting to settle in a bit. I managed 4lb in my first week so I must be doing something right. The key thing seems to be planning well and preparing in advance, and stocking up on plenty of free foods. I can’t believe how much fruit I and my family have got through in a week! Use your healthy extras wisely (cereal and milk for breakfast seems such a waste of them to me now). I wrote a list of all our usual family meals and worked out how to make them more SW friendly and the kids have hardly noticed any difference.
    It’s a big adjustment to make but I’m sure you’ll do fine!
    Love the little blanket!


  2. MrsCraft January 15, 2017 / 6:19 pm

    Good luck with slimming world. Your crochet blanket looks fab and I like your rebranded name too. I want to rebrand but I’m worried that I’ll lose all my followers! Good luck with selling your projects, I’m sure they’ll fly. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vicki January 15, 2017 / 7:10 pm

      Ah thank you. I’m still in a bit of a tiz about what to do blog wise. Like you, I don’t want to lose followers. I must decide soon though! X


  3. PaperPuff January 20, 2017 / 12:22 am

    Well you have been so busy! Good luck with the new branding – I love the name!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Zeens and Roger January 20, 2017 / 12:57 pm

    Fab blanket. Good luck with the re-brand, exciting stuff. I’ve learned so much from my grandparents, especially my Nanna. She taught me how to knit, sew and there was one attempt at crochet, which didn’t go so well (funny how things turn out)!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vicki January 20, 2017 / 2:12 pm

      Thank you 😘 it is strange how things turn out isn’t it!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Bethany-Jade February 1, 2017 / 12:17 pm

    Planning food is so difficult! Especially when you have kids to please too!
    The blanket is lovely, as is the card! I hope you enjoy your big shot – i love mine!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vicki February 1, 2017 / 12:24 pm

      Ah thankyou! I’m slowly collecting new dies which I can’t wait to try out. The food planning is never going to be easy with fussy eaters but cooking four different meals some days has to stop! X

      Liked by 1 person

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