Skittles rainbow blanket 

Just ten short days ago I embarked upon a new project. I’d been getting urges to make something in bright sunny rainbow colours. So I searched through my stash and selected these. They’re all stylecraft special dk. There’s something about a basket stuffed full of yarn that’s rather exciting don’t you think? The possibilities are endless.

I wanted to make this into a blanket but had no one specific to make it for, so I decided I’d make it to sell. I always said I wasn’t ever going to make stuff to sell as there’s no money to be made. By the time you’ve bought yarn then spend the untold hours crocheting your little heart out, it would cost a fortune. But I thought, what the hell. I love making things so I’m just going to give it a try. Even if it means my hourly rate is about 50p.

So it began. I decided upon a large granny square as I was so eager to see it grow fast. There’s something very comforting about working up a lovely granny square. And with these wonderful colours, well it just made me so excited to start on the next colour. With every new colour added I loved it even more. It felt like it was really coming together quickly.

This was it after the first full set of colours. My hubby kept looking over at it while I was hooking away. After about the fourth colour, he finally said, “what you making this time? There’s some mad shit colours in there!” Ha ha, it did make me giggle!

Every chance I got I was working away on this. On a rare dry day, I got to do a bit in the garden. It was a perfect half hour when Jude was asleep. Bliss.

I was cutting it a bit fine with the yarn. In fact I ran out of white with the final side to go. But my lovely friend came to the rescue again, she has enough yarn to open her own shop and always seems to have the right shade. I’m so lucky she’s just down the road, I was on a roll and really didn’t want to stop. The border was in sight.

That’s it finished, yay! Now for more rainbows. I planned to do a row of each colour round once more without the white this time and in a simple double crochet stitch to finish it off nicely. I was really pleased with how this turned out, better than I’d hoped actually.

Again I was cutting it fine with the yarn, phew!

I took it into the garden and sat at my little hidden bench to finish it off. I’ve spent so much time indoors lately with this rubbish weather so whenever it’s dry, I’m rushing outside to enjoy every moment.

It’s a lovely peaceful spot to sit and make, well until you get found anyway. He wanted to copy me but his little legs wouldn’t reach.

He’s taken quite a shine to this blanket, every time it’s on my lap he comes and rests his cute little head on it. Well it is very soft.

So, now it’s properly finished, ends dealt with and it’s had a wash. I was so nervous putting it in the washing machine. I’d convinced myself that it would all unravel and become a big rainbow mess. But no, it was absolutely fine. The colours remind me of skittles so that’s where the name came from. That and for photographic purposes only of course, I had to go and buy some skittles. And eat them, cos that would be wasteful to leave them sitting in the cupboard going off.

Apologies for the unnecessary amount of photos,but you know how carried away I can get. And I do love this one very much, I even think I’ve convinced my hubby that ‘mad shit’ colours are the way forward. 

So this is my first ever ‘For Sale’ blanket. I’ll pop it on my Facebook page and see what happens. I’ve not looked into the whole Etsy thing yet, maybe in the future. I’ve already got more blankety plans flying round in my head.

I have got another project that’s been sitting waiting for me and I keep putting it off. It’s my very first amigurumi and I’m dreading it. I really should do it before I start on another blanket. Hmm, we’ll see.

13 thoughts on “Skittles rainbow blanket 

  1. The Artisan Duck July 12, 2016 / 8:06 pm

    Absolutely gorgeous blanket. Crochet is such a mystery to me but the results are lovely 😍 The colours may be ‘mad shit’ but they totally work. Hannah x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. MrsCraft July 12, 2016 / 9:05 pm

    I absolutely love this! It’s completely and utterly gorgeous and perfectly neat. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vicki July 13, 2016 / 8:35 pm

      Thanks, I thought that too 😄


    • Vicki July 13, 2016 / 8:28 pm

      Thank you, they’re very happy colours I think 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Zeens and Roger July 14, 2016 / 6:11 am

    Very bright and cheerful!
    I don’t know enough about Etsy yet to give any useful info. I think I’ve got to look into it more myself. Now that I’ve got stuff in the shop I need to find out how to get people to see and then buy it! :/

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vicki July 14, 2016 / 7:43 am

      Yes I imagine that’s the tricky bit! Thank you x

      Liked by 1 person

    • Vicki July 19, 2016 / 3:56 pm

      Ah thank you 😊 was in need of a colour injection. Next one will be a bit less in ya face!

      Liked by 1 person

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